How to publish the java library into Maven Central Repository

  1. Create a Sonatype Account and Claim your Namespace by an new issue. Sonatype URL
  2. Create and Publish the PGP Keys
    • Download Gpg4win from
    • Install and check version by command: gpg –version
    • Create new key pair by gpg –gen-key
    • List keys and find id by gpg –list-keys
    • Send the public key to public server
      gpg –keyserver hkp:// –send-keys
      gpg –keyserver –send-keys
    • Check the server is received
      gpg –keyserver hkp:// –recv-keys
  3. Signing a File
    gpg -ab xxx.jar
  4. Verify Signed file
    gpg –verify xxx.jar.asc
  5. Prepare Your Project Maven POM File